
We understand that removing language obstacles is the prerequisite first step in meaningful dialogue, and our professional language experts have tremendous experience in building bridges between peoples of various nations. Our vast experience in both the public and private sectors give us significant insight into the market place and allows us to accurately predict our client’s needs, helping us to tailor our services on a meeting by meeting basis.

We can provide interpretation services and interpretation equipment suitable for your particular requirement:

Simultaneous Interpretation (Also known as Simtrans or Conference Interpreting)
Simultaneous interpretation is ideally for large meetings, conferences, or conventions where there is near-constant activity. During conference interpretation, language services are fulfilled by two or more interpreters working in shifts, matching the pace of current speakers, providing a single access point for anyone who requires that particular language. Unlike many translation companies, AMS uses only top of the line, premium quality interpretation equipment comprised of Bosch digital headsets and receivers, providing crisp, clear signals to all attendees. Even better, our interpretation equipment features a high-tech infrared distribution signal that is free of both bothersome interference and clumsy wires or cables.

Consecutive Interpretation
Consecutive Interpretation is performed when the presenter will say a few lines of speech and wait for the interpreter to repeat what was just said. This is often done with a single interpreter but for longer session it would be necessary for the interpreters to work as a team. Consecutive interpretation can be used in conjunction with portable or stationary whisper equipment or with general professional sound equipment. Consecutive interpretation is only effective when speaking to an audience comprised of one foreign language. This approach will at least double the time it takes to hold a meeting and breaks up the flow of the information. It is only recommended for simple training sessions, small meetings, educational presentations and topics of short duration.

Escort Interpretation
Occasionally clients need interpreters who can be mobile. Interpreters who walk along with the clients through trade shows, industrial facility tours, museums, historic sites and during diplomatic or humanitarian visits are called escort interpreters. These interpreters are generally very versatile and good with people. They try to represent their client as accurately as possible to make exchanges as natural as possible.

Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment Solution

We keep our interpretation equipment current with the best solutions on the market. Everything is tested before leaving the warehouse and upon its return to ensure that each piece functions properly. We have the right product at the right price to get your job done.

Equipments Model
Main Unit Central Control Unit DCN-CCU2
Channel Transmitter INT-TX04
Integrus Radiators LBB 4512/00
Interpreter Desk DCN-IDESK-D
Infrared Pocket Receivers
(4 Channel)
LBB 4504/04
Interpreter Booths
(Fully Encapsulated)
Audience Unit Infrared Pocket Receivers
(4 Channel)
LBB 4540/04
Discussion Unit Wireless Discussion Unit with
Channel Selector (Optional)